Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bah, Humbug!

There's nothing like missing the morning train to put me in a foul mood. It has only happened a few times, but when my timing is right, it really ticks me off. And since I'm a regular train commuter - not someone who usually drives but then decides to take the train when the weather is bad, I feel even more outraged.

I aimed for the 7:29 and I will admit my commute to the station was a little tight, allowing 14 minutes when I usually allow 20. I pulled into the station lot at 7:27 and had to park at the far end. As I was getting out of the car, the train arrived. It's hard to sprint the block-long distance to the platform when you are carrying a purse, briefcase, lunch, keys, hat and wearing a long, down coat and Ugg boots, but I tried. Just as I got even with the doors to the first car, they closed and the train pulled away. It was only 7:28.

I wasn't alone. There were other commuters who missed it by seconds as well and we were all fuming. The conductors had to have seen us.

I smoldered in the train station to wait for the next train which arrived 20 minutes later to an even larger than usual group of passengers. Still mad, I took my seat and read the paper. Emerging from Union Station to walk to the office, the snow began in earnest. But the walk actually helped and by the time I arrived, I felt better. It's amazing how a cup of coffee always has a way of improving any situation with that first sip.

I should do commercials for Dunkin' Donuts - their coffee, that is.

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